Monday 24 January 2011

Otway Detour

Taking a detour of the GOR, through Lavers Hill, Melba Gully is set within the rainforest and a good half hour walk through the green ferns and trees leads to the ‘big tree’ with a  27m circumference at the base of the trunk. What they have yet to update on any of the national parks information boards is the tree is no longer standing! Still impressive and you can get an idea of the size - its a wasted walk if thats all you came for.

Otway fly walk is a 25 meter high walk way through the rainforest in Great Otway National Park. The walk peaks with a 47 meter tower, bringing you to the tree tops and great views of the canopy below. The tower and walk ways are not ridged and do move with the wind and people walking along, their cantilever is not for the faint hearted. 

Not far from the walk is Triplet Falls, however from the car park its an hour walk to the falls,  after an afternoon of walking this was not ideal, on the board it mentioned Hopetown Falls, with only a 10 minute walk to. Back into the car and 4km down a dirt track, we soon heard the thunder of the fall. From the view point at the top it was pretty impressive, even more so from the bottom.

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