Monday 24 January 2011

The Last Leg of Victoria

Most of this day was aimed at covering as much ground as possible. Going back up to the Princess Highway, we spent the early hours of the morning at Maru Koala Park, which as the name might suggest, didn't have that many koalas. It did however have a lot of kangaroos and wallabies. For $1 you can buy a pot of food and walk round the park and feed the animals. A truly delightful experience if you haven't been up close to these animals. Being the early birds and getting there just after 9 meant we had the place, and critters, to ourselves. We were in time for there breakfast and had the roos hopping over, some I did wonder, if they had breaks on those powerful legs as they can cover the round quick!

There are a few towns along this part of the road, none of which had any personal interest, so where driven through fairly quickly, but made convenient stop offs. Moe, Morwell and Sale all have a few interesting points. Coming into Lakes Entrance there are spectacular view points across the bays and beaches. 
We carried on driving for another couple of hours to almost the boarder of NSW and Victoria near a place called Genoa. Here there was a rest point which had camping facilities - all free of charge. There are a few of these dotted along the around Australia, and a great way to keep costs low. But of course they are not 5* sites.

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