Monday 24 January 2011

Heading Up the Coast - Beach Haven

This part of the journey was full of sumptuous beaches, stunning surroundings and breath taking waves! 
One of the many visited were The Pinnacles, some sort of rock formation in the sand, but the beach was closed, Michael Lerner Look out point, Durra, Camel Beach, Depot Beach and Pebbly Beach. The latter 2 have resident kangaroos who come out late afternoon to feed on the grassy banks. We werent there late enough, though we did spoke a giant lizard.

We spent the night near Lake Conjola, no up to this we hadn’t seen a Kangaroos close in the wild, we knew they were about and must get close to the road as we’d seen many dead ones at the side of the roads. Around 8pm, we found this was prime roo spotting time. They seem to come out of everywhere and were indeed not afraid of cars and seemed quite happy to sit in the middle of the road and proceed to jump in front of the vehicle. Not the brightest of animals. 

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