Tuesday 30 November 2010

Manly to Spit Walk 19-11-10

There are many coastal works in Sydney, however its is said that the Manly to Spit walk is the most beautiful. Sure enough there are some superbly stunning views and each corner unfolds new breathtaking shots and another lizard.

The walk totals approx. 9km, and is supposed to take 4 hours to comfortably complete. This is the case for the first timer as there are so many places you have to stop and admire the views or take a dip in one of the many pristine beaches. 
We started in Manly (doesn't make much difference which way round to start.) The first 2km are very gentle and curve round Manly’s neighbouring suburbs with some very impressive beach front properties. 
After that the terrain becomes a little more rugged, as you cross streams, beaches and bridges. Then you step into bush. The paths are well maintained and heavily used. This part has a few spots where there are rocks which both hands and feet are needed.
Water is essential as there is no where to buy more and suitable footwear is a must, though I did spy a few flip flops - sorry ‘thongs’ - but their faces said it all. You will come across the hard core fitness fanatics running the route, impressive as it is, its a hard walk for the average Joe.

Monday 29 November 2010

Tennis 14-11-10

Lindfield tennis courts are very old fashion quaint grounds, with 3 grass courts and a wooden hut.

Even though in a residential area, in the ‘suburbs’, it was beautifully quiet and the afternoon of appalling tennis was accompanied with Pimms and nibbles. A delightful  way to spend what was a blisteringly hot Sunday afternoon. 

Thursday 25 November 2010

Whale Watching 13-11-10

Humpback whales migrate right past Sydney’s coast twice a year, in the Autumn (March - May) heading North to warmer waters to breed and in the Spring heading down to feed in the southern waters. 
The season ends in November, when the last few stragglers pass. These tend to be Mothers with calfs as they can't swim as fast. 

Leaving from Darling Harbor or Circular Quays, daily whale watching trips take you out through the harbour and through the heads into open water. You don't have to travel far out to sea before seeing a whale. We were lucky enough to see a mother and playful calf. The trip lasted a total of 4 hours, which was plenty of time to get some god pictures and admire these beautiful creatures, along with getting thoroughly sea sick by bobbing up and down. The seas are rough!

Trips are around the $70-$80 per person mark, online bookings offer 10% off. June-July is the peak whale watching season. However they can be seen almost all year round, they have been known to come into the harbour on occassions. 

Travel Expo 7-11-10

Within the grandeur of the Town Hall, this years travel expo showcased different companies trying to entice travellers to 

a) visit that particular area of the country/world 
b) go with that particular company 
We all know how tight fisted people our when it comes to parting with large amounts of cash, so to tempt people more, the companies used various methods. There was lots of competitions to be entered, free goodies - ranging from bags (filled with leaflets) sweets and beer (that stand was very popular).There was even snakes and crocodiles there!

Melbourne Cup 2-11-10

Be-known to the British, the Australians celebrate the Melbourne Cup in a big way. In a big way, I mean it is a national holiday in some places!
The nation literally stops for the 10 minutes the race is on as people gather round TV screens and radio’s clutching their tickets (they do like a flutter). For the Melbourne Cup, everyone dresses up and adorns their Sunday best even if they are not watching the race at the course.
Most companies face the inevitable and plan something for their staff, be it food and drink round the race. Our company treated us to the afternoon off and lunch at Nicks Seafood Restaurant on the King Street Wharf. 

We had a 3 course lunch that consisted of a lot of fish. Oysters and mussels as an entrée, crayfish and prawn cocktail to start and a huge platter of seafood for main. Fruit and cheese to finish, with free flowing wine.